
Openness in Education

Page history last edited by Xuan Nguyen 12 years, 2 months ago


Openness in Education is originally a credited course under the reference MDDE 622 in the Master of Education in Distance Learning program at Athabasca University. It is also offered as a MOOC facilitated by Rory McGreal and George Siemens, which is available at http://open.mooc.ca/ and generated by gRSShopper.

     Screenshot of Openness in Education homepage


Course description


The rationale for the course lies in the significant influence and huge potential of OERs and open teaching in all aspects of education including policy, learning development, delivery, and accreditation.


Through the course, learners explore openness in education in terms of its history, current trends in development, and future directions. It highlights the growing influence of openness in education and other economic and organizational impact of open education.


The course consists of 7 modules scheduled into 12 weeks, starting from September 10, 2012. More details concerning weekly topics and activities are available at course outline.


How to participate


First, one needs to register for the course by creating his/her own account with a username, password, and email address. The account details can be modified and managed at anytime.


Privacy and security issues clearly explained on the website are also guaranteed to protect users’ rights.


Subscribing for newsletter is also recommended though daily newsletters can also be retrieved from the archives on the website.


Once logged in, students can read daily newsletter, write new blogs, and read others’ blog posts. Participants are encouraged to create such artifacts as videos, blogs, or images as their reflections on the given topic of the week. Also, it is advisable to use a variety of tools and technologies throughout the course to create and access learning content including: Collaborate, Blogs, Twitter, Wikis, Google Docs, Concept mapping software, YouTube, and Diigo (among others).




Participants pursuing a credit can contact Siemens at gsiemens@athabascau.ca or enroll at Athabasca University for a formal recognition.


Further information


More details regarding course description, schedule, and how it works, participant account, course activities, and feeds can be easily accessed with the sidebar, as shown in the screenshot above. 


--> Theoretical links to MOOCs


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