
Examples of MOOCs

Page history last edited by Xuan Nguyen 12 years, 2 months ago


As previously discussed, early MOOCs include Wiley’s 2007 Introduction to Open Education and Downes and Siemens’ CCK08, widely claimed as the first MOOC. Other typical examples of MOOCs are Personal Learning Environments Networks and Knowledge (PLENK 2010); Learning and Knowledge Analytics (LAK11); Change: Education, Learning, and Technology! (Change11); and Online Learning Today and Tomorrow (eduMOOC).


Other in-progress and upcoming cMOOCs are listed in Lugton’s (2012b) site. As for xMOOCs, a complete list of finished, ongoing, recent, and upcoming courses offered by Standford, Coursera, MIT and Havard led edX, and Udacity can be found at Class Central. Downes and Siemens (2011) also create a list of different sources of open online courses such as Udemy, P2P University, University of the People, and Wikiversity.


This portfolio looks at the following two examples of MOOCs in greater details:


MOOC MOOC by Hybrid Pedagogy


Openness in Education by Athabasca University


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